Analyzing OpenCL benchmarks. Debugging Linux & adding android build compatibility. Scripting them to create a standalone feature within the inherent software environment. Evaluating Samsung’s GPU performance using Intel’s Intercept layer (fixed it’s android run issues). Received award of excellence. --(BASH, Python & C++:OpenCL)
CSCI 360- Artificial Intelligence Course Producer/Grader, Responsible for developing AI engines for projects on game theory, adversarial search and constraint satisfaction problem. Grading assignments. (Ongoing)
Collaboration with LA Times to give a geo-location and augmented reality based story telling experience of archives through Unity and React integrated app.---(Augmented Reality, Unity, React) (Ongoing)
Spring Internship- Research on the toolbox that allows users to type through musical notes based buttons which represent the Braille language keys. It converts Braille images to the corresponding English text and vice versa through image processing, segmentation process and many other ML techniques like regression algorithms. --Python-OpenCV Felicitated with scholarship of 80,000 JYen from Japanese Government for the research contribution.
Prof. Paul A., Built a performance model to efficiently utilize CPUs and GPUs for matrix multiplication. A simulated annealing and genetic algorithms based heuristic extended to form an auto-tuning software which tunes to system and memory layout to select optimal number of processors and what percent of them should involve heterogeneous computing with GPU based algorithm for multilevel parallelism and CANNON and FOX algorithm for CPU alone computation. --C/C++, OpenCL and Open MPI
Selected for fellowship (From the 1560 applicants)- Summer student program at CERN Open Lab, Switzerland for a United Nations (UNOSAT) funded project involving disaster prediction on real-time satellite images. Analyzing the data statistics, modelling impacts and localization of unusual geographical behaviour using pattern recognition algorithms.
Prof. Kannan M. , Built an open source LabVIEW equivalent - Xcos on web (Scilab simulation module). Set up server con- nection and performed data analysis on the past Xcos instance request details to predict the dynamic switching required for optimal load balancing to ensure faster execution. Worked on the web page’s GUI which incorporates electrical modules using mxGraph and prototyped the Xcos block data structures. --XML, XSLT, PHP, JS, Java Servlet, AJAX, Xcos and Scilab API
E-connect project’s founding technical team member. Developed a Hybrid App (having functions adopted from various job portals) using PhoneGap. Developed semantic model using the data on companies, jobs and users to match profiles and predict suitability of a job for a user if they belong in each others cluster. --Java, PHP, Oracle DB, MySQL, PhoneGap and CPanel
Developed an app which gives list of nearby hotels in order of ranking based on offers, rating and user similarity with hotel’s customers (Utilizing ranking models and similarity correlations). --Google's JS API, Distance Matrix API and Meteor-MongoDB
Pooja M. S., et al., “Medical Image Retrieval Using Manifold Ranking with Relevance Feedback”. Paper published and presented at the IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) 2018- CA, USA. https://goo.gl/kjD99L
Pooja M. S., et al., "A QoS and QoE based integrated model for bidirectional web services recommendation". Paper accepted at the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) 2018- CA, USA. https://bit.ly/2HQYTSo
Pooja M. S., et al., "A Regression and Segmentation Based Approach to Automatic Braille Recognition" Paper presented at the 7th IES 2018 with scholarship of 80,000 JYen from Japanese Government for the research contribution- March 2018, Japan.
Certified with AMD Nation wide Best Project 2018 Award and won prize money of INR 25,000. The project was on "Indentification of out-of-context objects for image enhancement." Applied in removies disturbance from selfies and detecting alerts in smart cities.
Among Top 3 Nation wide winning teams of the Microsoft code.fun.do online hackathon and invited to the code.fun.do finalists forum. Built Lighte- Android app which provides various services for the visually impaired people.
Received Certificate for completing the Applied CS with Android workshop conducted by Google . It involved developing Android Apps using various CS concepts (A* algorithm and Trie, HashMap, HashSet DS).
Received Certificate of Excellence for completing iBTooth Robotix workshop conducted by Technophilia Systems in association with RCA Institute of USA.Felicitated by the HRD minister of India, Mrs. Smriti Irani for exemplary performance in the 12th CBSE board exam
Felicitated by the HRD minister of India, Mrs. Smriti Irani for exemplary performance in the 12th CBSE board exam.
Worldwide 24 Hour Hackathon.
IEEE Xtreme 9.0 (2015)- AIR 62
IEEE Xtreme 11.0 (2017)- AIR 24
Selected for summer internship- Samsung Research and Development Institute, India (2017).
Placed in Oracle India through on-campus selection process. (2018)
Campus Ambassador (2015 onwards)
Organizing team- HackerEarth India Hacks 2015
Executive Member (2015 onwards)
Executive Member (2015 onwards)
Executive Member (2015 onwards)
Member 2015
Member 2015, 2016
Conducted Rectify and Inscription contests.
© 2019 Pooja Mahadev Soundalgekar
Prof. Sowmya Kamath , Object recognition and segmentation using mask R-CNN and its result used as weights with the RNN model for scene categorization. Context model and latent tree for identifying and removing out-of-context objects using the method of in-painting. Applying to smart cities to set alarm in case of unusual encounters. --Tensorflow, Keras, Torch & Python
Prof. Dinesh Naik , Segmenting and Recognizing food by integrating CNN with color space and graph connectivity measures. Calorie estimation through volume analysis of food by obtaining prism/cylindrical model from single view image. Ambiguity reduction and suggestion of food using object co-occurrences to balance the diet. --Tensorflow, Caffe, Matlab & Python
Prof. G. R. M. , Implemented a searchable encryption scheme that supports both the accurate multi-keyword ranked information retrieval and flexible dynamic operation on document collection. Due to the special structure of tree-based index, the search complexity of the system is fundamentally kept to logarithmic. It achieves higher search efficiency by executing “Greedy Depth-first Search” algorithm.
Prof. Sowmya Kamath , Manifold Ranking (MR) is used to discover intrinsic geometrical structure of the IRMA medical data-set. As MR is computationally expensive, EMR is developed by building an anchor graph on the database instead of a traditional k-nearest neighbor graph and relevance feedback is maintained to improve ranking results. --Python & Matlab
Prof. Sowmya Kamath , Based on a cube model with SD-HCF for WS recommendation to consumers and ICF-UCF for potential consumer suggestion to providers. Involves significant concepts of NLP in creation of WS reviews data and applying sentiment analysis along with deep learning to assign rating which is integrated with predicted QoS value to obtain QoE. --Python-NLTK
Prof. Jaidhar C.D. , Extraction of various features from the metadata, API calls and context flow graphs of each application and training a SVM in an offline manner in order to leverage the higher computing power of a server. --Python-Androguard
Prof. Nagamma Patil , Robust TWSVM built to handle dataset with noise using second order cone programming formulations for classification. Improvement in computation time and classification accuracy over traditional SVM. Degenerating Robust TWSVM to overcome shortcomings of TWSVM. --Python & R
Prof. G.M. Reddy and Prof. Dinesh Naik , A toolbox that allows users to type through musical notes based buttons which represent the Braille language keys. It converts Braille images to the corresponding English text and vice versa through image processing, segmentation process and many other ML techniques like regression algorithms. --Python-OpenCV
Prof. Dinesh Naik , Web scraped data from various e-commerce sites and built an Item Based Collaborative Filter (IBCF). Implemented several similarity algorithms like correlation with weighted prediction technique to generate recommendations. Developed RDF Schema to obtain semantic based search with TF-IDF relevance and binary index tree storage with greedy DFS retrieval to reduce computation cost. --HTML, CSS3, PHP, RDF, Protege, OWL, MySQL, Visual Studio, Python & Selenium
Prof. Geetha V. , Implemented the Suzuki and Two Pass algorithms for CCL to identify objects and background in an image. Achieved thread level parallelism and run distributively using OpenMP and Open MPI directives. --C/C++, OpenMP & Open MPI
Mentored juniors and worked with them on applying data analysis and ML clustering algorithms on accident prone areas data of a region. The application captures location of user (if location belongs to danger or safe zone cluster) and alerts the driver of type of risks based on age, expertise and gender details. --Python-Django
Prof. Dinesh Naik , Web scraped data from various e-commerce sites and built an Item Based Collaborative Filter (IBCF). Implemented several similarity algorithms like correlation with weighted prediction technique to generate recommendations. Developed RDF Schema to obtain semantic based search with TF-IDF relevance and binary index tree storage with greedy DFS retrieval to reduce computation cost. --HTML, CSS3, PHP, RDF, Protege, OWL, MySQL, Visual Studio, Python & Selenium
Mr. Prakash P., Trained data containing multiple emotions and detected emotions like sadness and happiness by implementing a regression algorithm. Optimized code for detecting multiple faces at angles and incomplete faces. --Python and OpenCV
Miss Kajal Bangera, The GUI is implemented using HTML and CSS. The game’s algorithm and computations are performed using JavaScript. Developed new Finite State Automata for the heuristic of the game and compared it with the existing backtracking tree algorithm approach.
Implemented a user interface for the scrabble board, validated the word formed by the user, calculated score based on the word (letter and grid weightage) and realized the end of the game. Implemented an algorithm for AI. --Python
Used Java GUI framework. Worked with serialization and swings to store user data, check in and check out dates using a calendar and accordingly book a room based on it’s availability. --Java