About Me

  • Computer science enthusiast! Love programming. (Anything that can churn my brain & make me think hard!)
  • Recent interest- Artificial Intelligence! (Deeply involved now and highly obsessed!)
  • First Year MS in CS(Actively seeking for summer 2019 internships!)
  • Dream writer! (I maintain a personal diary but no gutts to share any lines with the world.)

  • Animals! :D (Really appreciate the size! Bigger animals scare me, smaller are adorable! -Puppies and Turtles!)
  • Highly self motivated. (I don't draw from anywhere as much as I draw from myself! Push myself to be better!)
  • Non-stop Radio. (I can talk endlessly on anything without pausing or getting exhausted! MUNNER breed!)
  • 10 or 1 0(Two kinds of people in this world. One find me interesting and other do not understand me.) #BinaryInspired!

Educational Background



University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA


Department of Computer Science

Third Semester (Fall 2018)


National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India


Department of Information Technology

8.83/10 CGPA (2014-2017)


Venkat International Public School, India


CBSE XII BOARD: 96.2% (2012-2014)

CBSE X BOARD: 10/10 CGPA (2010-2012)

Work Experience

Samsung Austin Research and Development

Analyzing OpenCL benchmarks. Debugging Linux & adding android build compatibility. Scripting them to create a standalone feature within the inherent software environment. Evaluating Samsung’s GPU performance using Intel’s Intercept layer (fixed it’s android run issues). Received award of excellence. --(BASH, Python & C++:OpenCL)

Course Producer, USC

CSCI 360- Artificial Intelligence Course Producer/Grader, Responsible for developing AI engines for projects on game theory, adversarial search and constraint satisfaction problem. Grading assignments. (Ongoing)

Ahmanson lab innovation scholar, USC

Collaboration with LA Times to give a geo-location and augmented reality based story telling experience of archives through Unity and React integrated app.---(Augmented Reality, Unity, React) (Ongoing)

Kumamoto University, Japan

Spring Internship- Research on the toolbox that allows users to type through musical notes based buttons which represent the Braille language keys. It converts Braille images to the corresponding English text and vice versa through image processing, segmentation process and many other ML techniques like regression algorithms. --Python-OpenCV Felicitated with scholarship of 80,000 JYen from Japanese Government for the research contribution.

University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Geneva

Prof. Paul A., Built a performance model to efficiently utilize CPUs and GPUs for matrix multiplication. A simulated annealing and genetic algorithms based heuristic extended to form an auto-tuning software which tunes to system and memory layout to select optimal number of processors and what percent of them should involve heterogeneous computing with GPU based algorithm for multilevel parallelism and CANNON and FOX algorithm for CPU alone computation. --C/C++, OpenCL and Open MPI

CERN, Switzerland

Selected for fellowship (From the 1560 applicants)- Summer student program at CERN Open Lab, Switzerland for a United Nations (UNOSAT) funded project involving disaster prediction on real-time satellite images. Analyzing the data statistics, modelling impacts and localization of unusual geographical behaviour using pattern recognition algorithms.

IIT Bombay

Prof. Kannan M. , Built an open source LabVIEW equivalent - Xcos on web (Scilab simulation module). Set up server con- nection and performed data analysis on the past Xcos instance request details to predict the dynamic switching required for optimal load balancing to ensure faster execution. Worked on the web page’s GUI which incorporates electrical modules using mxGraph and prototyped the Xcos block data structures. --XML, XSLT, PHP, JS, Java Servlet, AJAX, Xcos and Scilab API

Zeuristech Enterprise Networks Ltd.

E-connect project’s founding technical team member. Developed a Hybrid App (having functions adopted from various job portals) using PhoneGap. Developed semantic model using the data on companies, jobs and users to match profiles and predict suitability of a job for a user if they belong in each others cluster. --Java, PHP, Oracle DB, MySQL, PhoneGap and CPanel


Developed an app which gives list of nearby hotels in order of ranking based on offers, rating and user similarity with hotel’s customers (Utilizing ranking models and similarity correlations). --Google's JS API, Distance Matrix API and Meteor-MongoDB


Information Retrieval Research

Pooja M. S., et al., “Medical Image Retrieval Using Manifold Ranking with Relevance Feedback”. Paper published and presented at the IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) 2018- CA, USA. https://goo.gl/kjD99L

Machine Learning and Web Services Research

Pooja M. S., et al., "A QoS and QoE based integrated model for bidirectional web services recommendation". Paper accepted at the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) 2018- CA, USA. https://bit.ly/2HQYTSo

Computer Vision Research

Pooja M. S., et al., "A Regression and Segmentation Based Approach to Automatic Braille Recognition" Paper presented at the 7th IES 2018 with scholarship of 80,000 JYen from Japanese Government for the research contribution- March 2018, Japan.


Image enhancement by removal of out-of-context and addition of in-context objects
Diet assessment with calorie estimation
A Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data
Efficient Manifold Ranking (EMR) model for medical image retrieval
Bidirectional Web Service (WS) recommendation based on Quality of Experience (QoE)
ML approach to Android malware detection
Robust Twin Support Vector Machine (TWSVM) for pattern classification
Documentation ease-of-access toolbox for the visually impaired individual
Plethora- E-commerce website with IBCF recommendation system and semantic search
Parallel and distributed approach to an ML Connected Component Labelling (CCL) Concept
Accident Alert Application- IEEE Project
Image following Raspberry Pi 2 car
Multiple Face Emotion Recognition
Automata for Chain Reaction Game
Uni-player Scrabble Game
Hotel Management System using Java



Certified with AMD Nation wide Best Project 2018 Award and won prize money of INR 25,000. The project was on "Indentification of out-of-context objects for image enhancement." Applied in removies disturbance from selfies and detecting alerts in smart cities.


Among Top 3 Nation wide winning teams of the Microsoft code.fun.do online hackathon and invited to the code.fun.do finalists forum. Built Lighte- Android app which provides various services for the visually impaired people.

Google- Applied CS with Android

Received Certificate for completing the Applied CS with Android workshop conducted by Google . It involved developing Android Apps using various CS concepts (A* algorithm and Trie, HashMap, HashSet DS).

Bluetooth controlled Robot

Received Certificate of Excellence for completing iBTooth Robotix workshop conducted by Technophilia Systems in association with RCA Institute of USA.Felicitated by the HRD minister of India, Mrs. Smriti Irani for exemplary performance in the 12th CBSE board exam


Felicitated by the HRD minister of India, Mrs. Smriti Irani for exemplary performance in the 12th CBSE board exam.

IEEE XTREME 2015, 2017

Worldwide 24 Hour Hackathon.
IEEE Xtreme 9.0 (2015)- AIR 62
IEEE Xtreme 11.0 (2017)- AIR 24


Selected for summer internship- Samsung Research and Development Institute, India (2017).


Placed in Oracle India through on-campus selection process. (2018)



Campus Ambassador (2015 onwards)
Organizing team- HackerEarth India Hacks 2015


Executive Member (2015 onwards)

IEEE Computer Society

Executive Member (2015 onwards)

Web Enthusiast’s Club, NITK

Executive Member (2015 onwards)


Member 2015

ENGINEER Fest - Computer Comittee

Member 2015, 2016
Conducted Rectify and Inscription contests.

Fun Facts

(Not like TECH stuff isn't fun! :P)


Spandan 2014

Miss Glamouranza 2014 - Winner


Apprentice 2014

ACM club event- Finalist


Haute Coutour 2015

Incident Festival, Runner-up


Crysis 2015

ISTE Club event- Finalist


Bluffmaster 2015

Rotaract club event- Winner
Bluffmaster 2015


Competitive Coding

Hackerrank - pooja_m_s
Others like Codechef - p1s3
Silver medal in Hackerrank worldwide codesprint - Epiccode 2016.


Art of Living

Volunteer (Summer of 2010-2013)
Served food, cleaned halls, helped during meditation sessions, the thousands of tourists who visited every day the Kanakpura ashram.



Spandan 2014
Bharat Darshan 2015